Kawana Island Fitness equipment

New Gym Equipment at Double Bay, Kawana Island

With Summer well and truly here, its a great time to get out and enjoy the Kawana Island facilities freely available for residents, such as the park spaces, walking tracks, and particularly the latest revamp of the fitness equipment at Double Bay.

The revamp of the fitness equipment has seen the Sunshine Coast Council entirely replace the existing equipment with the latest high quality and hard wearing fitness equipment found in many other parks throughout the Sunshine Coast.

The equipment is ideal for most ages and any fitness level to promote wellness and general fitness.

Cr John Connolly will be formally opening the new gym facilities this Friday (December 6th), with all Kawana Island residents welcome to come along and celebrate this unique event with a morning tea launch at Mykies at 9am and 9.45am.

A demonstration of how to use the gym equipment effectively as well as how to do an exercise circuit to get the most from your workout.

We welcome the support of Cr John Connolly and the Sunshine Coast Council for making this possible.

We look forward to seeing you there!